Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 3 - Arrival in Hyder

I've not had good internet connections for a few days, so this is just a placeholder for me to fill in the details later. Suffice it to say, the ride into Hyder was spectacular.

Here's a shot from Bear Glacier about 25 miles from Hyder.

We arrived in Stewart, BC around 2pm on Friday, checked into the Hotel, and met a bunch of people. Then we rode the 4 miles to HYDER, AK

We went out to the pier and took a group photo (at least a partial one).

We had a nice seafood dinner, met people from around the US & Canada (several of whom I had met electronically over the internet).

Then we went out to Fish Creek bear viewing area and tried to find a bear. SCORE!

Back to the motel (King Edward in Stewart, BC which is 4 miles from Hyder.

Then to bed.

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