We rode on up the Cassiar and the scenery is simply breath taking and large. The following picture doesn't begin to do it justice.
We made a number of stops along the way and one of the best was at Jade City where we really enjoyed ourselves.
Welcome to the Yukon:
More proof 60th parallel:
We have made Watson Lake and found a great campground at Nugget City, enjoyed a sumptuous ribeye steak dinner at the restaurant at camp and then headed into Watson Lake to see the Signpost Forest and refuel for our morning 300 mile ride to Skagway to catch the ferry to Haines.
At the SignPost Forest:
With my Sidestandup.com shirt on:
Seattle sign:
Well, it's after 11 and helmet time is 6am, so I need to sign off for today. Hopefully, I can get an internet connection tomorrow.
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